Treat Your Applicants Like People and Increase Conversions

To improve conversions, many companies focus on the applicant experience, which means treating applicants like people and getting input from them through the interview. Since there is a lot of competition for talent within the hourly workforce, companies that are authentic throughout the hiring process and incentivize their teams to bring qualified candidates will find long-term success.

Start by greeting your applicants by name when they reach out to you

When trying to increase conversions, it’s important to remember that your applicants are people, too. And one of the best ways to treat them like people is to start by greeting them by name.

It sounds like a small thing, but it makes a big impression. When you reach out and greet someone by name, you make them feel seen and valued. And that goes a long way toward building trust and rapport.

Of course, you can’t always be there to greet your applicants in person. But you can still ensure they’re greeted by name when they reach out to you. Whether through an automated email or a personalized message, taking the time to address your applicants by name shows that you care about them as individuals.

So if you want to treat your applicants like people and increase conversions, start by greeting them by name. It’s a simple way to make a significant impact.

Take the time to learn about their needs and what they’re looking for in a new job

As a business owner or manager, you know that your hourly employees are the backbone of your operation, and they’re the ones who keep things running smoothly day in and day out. So when it comes time to hire new employees, it’s essential to take the time to learn about their needs and what they’re looking for in a new job.

What are their career goals? What kind of work schedule do they need? What type of environment do they thrive in? These are essential questions to ask when attracting and retaining the best talent.

By learning about your applicants’ needs, you’ll be able better to match them with the right position at your company. And that will lead to increased conversions and a happier, more productive workforce.

Be transparent and honest with them; even if it means telling them that you don’t have anything that meets their criteria

To treat your applicants like people and increase conversions, you need to be transparent and honest with them. Even if it means telling them that you don’t have anything that meets their criteria, being upfront and honest will go a long way in establishing trust.

Building trust is essential in any relationship, but it’s imperative when you’re looking to increase conversions. People who feel like they can trust you are more likely to do business with you. So, to increase conversions, start by being transparent and honest with your applicants; it’ll make a difference.

Respond to their inquiries promptly, even if it’s just to say that you’re still reviewing applications

If you’re looking to increase conversions, one of the critical things you can do is respond to inquiries in a timely manner. Even if you’re still reviewing applications, letting people know that you’ve received their inquiry and are working on a response will go a long way. People appreciate being kept in the loop and showing that you’re responsive and organized will increase the chances that they’ll want to do business with you. So next time someone reaches out, don’t just let their inquiry fall through the cracks – take the time to respond promptly and professionally. It could make all the difference.

Thank them for applying, and let them know what the next steps are in the process

Thanking applicants for taking the time to apply is a key part of the hiring process. Not only does it show that you value their time, but it also helps to create a positive impression of your company. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook this important step, which can harm conversions.

You can take a few simple steps to thank your applicants and keep them updated on the status of their applications. First, send a personalized email or message immediately after they submit their application (We know a great software you can use!). Thank them for applying, and let them know what the next steps are in the process.

Second, stay in touch throughout the hiring process and keep them updated on your decision. Finally, once you’ve decided, thank all applicants – even those who weren’t selected – for their time and interest in your company. By taking these simple steps, you can show your applicants they’re valued team members – and increase your chances of making a great hire.

Stay in touch with them even after they’ve been rejected, letting them know that you appreciate their interest in your company

The best way to keep your applicant pool strong is to treat your applicants like people. Showing that you appreciate their interest in your company, and keeping in touch with them even after they’ve been rejected, will let them know that you value them as individuals. And when you use Chattr’s conversational AI to streamline and optimize your hiring process, you’ll be able to quickly and easily connect with the best candidates for any position. So don’t wait – schedule a call with Chattr today to see how we can help you hire the right people for your business.

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