3 Ways to Improve Your Employee Retention

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Hiring employees is great. Keeping them for the long haul is even greater! With the current state of the hourly job market, holding onto your workers is more imperative than ever. The real question is, how do you preserve team members at your restaurant or store? There are many different answers, but for now here are 3 ways to improve your employee retention:


  1. 1. Give Your Employees Recognition for Their Hard Work


Everyone loves hearing that they are doing a great job at their workplace whether we like to admit it or not. It provides us with a sense of happiness that makes us more motivated to continue improving the company. A study conducted by the University of Warwick even found that there was a 12% increase in productivity from happier workers. This type of positivity can help improve your company’s view to your team and provide reason as to why they should continue in their positions.


  1. 2. Support the Concept of Open Communication


Communication is the key to everything in life, especially between a manager and hourly employees. Energetic engagement with workers will also help them perform at a greater level which enhances organizational development. Making your team members feel comfortable is an essential element to establishing strong relationships that provide a form of trust lasting a lifetime. This bond will not only improve everyday job functions but also boost the chance of that employee staying with your business.


  1. 3. Value Your Employees Balance Between Work and Life


50% of the employees surveyed by ServiceNow claim that they do not believe their employers truly care for them during critical moments in their lives such as medicinal or parental leave. Treating your employees as your equal is a way to not only improve their inclination to continue with your restaurant or retail store but also boost their personal confidence and self-esteem. Understanding the importance of valuing your workers’ day to day lives is one step closer to creating a family out of the team you manage, making everyone’s job even sweeter.


There you have it. Now what are you waiting for


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