Outdated hiring processes cost frontline businesses millions of days and billions of dollars. That's why we built Chattr.
We've suffered through those problems firsthand and we were determined to create a better way.
Putting humanity back into frontline hiring
Making hiring the easiest part of your day
Effortless one-touch hiring in the palm of every hiring manager's hand
- KFC Franchisee KBP Brands
We are former frontline recruiters and business owners. We don't just sell to the frontline, we understand it too.
All Chattr needs is six minutes a day to change your hiring process forever. Yes, hiring really can be that easy.
Chattr is made for frontline workflows through both personal experience and customer-led innovation.
Chattr is built not just to revolutionize the frontline but to continually evolve with the frontline.
Deploy Chattr in minutes. No complex code or integrations required.
Eliminate manual hiring tasks and quickly serve up the best candidates using powerful AI.
Automate everything from job listings to onboarding with a powerful end-to-end solution.
Frontline hiring needs a complete overhaul. Constant turnover supported by outdated hiring processes cost frontline business millions of productive days and billions of dollars.