



Senior Living

Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you're looking for

If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

Not at this time.  Chattr is mobile optimized and currently receives 86% of applicant completions via mobile.  We can share screenshots of the user-friendly UI. 

Chattr is calendar agnostic.  We simply send an .ics file along with the invitation.  This .ics file can be added to any calendar platform.  

The initial impression for the applicant (regardless of position) is critical.  People in general, intrinsically want to be acknowledged and yearn for instant gratification.  Speed and simplicity rule positive outcomes and the Chattr applicant experience can accomplish this for all roles.

Example:  LinkedIn allows recruiters to include “knock-out” questions for all roles (even executive).  We can set up a similar applicant experience with Chattr but provide an immediate response to the applicant. 

Chattr and our background partner Vetty both do not handle this service directly.  Our clients can leverage the government site.  An API integration with eVerify is on our radar.

Our terms of service stipulate that Chattr is not responsible for providing alternative application methods like TTY. 

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